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Less Stress & Anxiety

More ease, compassion & connection...

And the courage to be yourself. 


Through the art of deep relaxation, yoga and mindfulness you can start living each day with more ease, connection and self compassion. 

You’ll have the clarity and the confidence to go after what you truly want, set boundaries when needed and ultimately live an easier, more fulfilling and meaningful life. 


Real people - real world Yoga!  


Yoga is so much more than the stretching we see on Instagram. It is a way of living that allows us to experience more ease and happiness each and every day. It shows us how to believe in ourselves and how to live more meaningful and purposeful lives.
And it is for EVERYONE.
YOU deserve to feel good no matter what challenges you are facing now. So stop waiting for the perfect time to start your warriors  journey.
At Warrior Heart Yoga we meet you where you’re at, and accept you just as you are.


Life is yoga!

Yoga Nidra & Deep Rest Meditation
Yoga Asana (postures and movement meditation) 


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Please forgive any glitches or links that don't open. Any questions or simply to say hello - please drop me a line on [email protected]

Love Tara xx

Take a class

Live in Athens? Join me on the beach for some relaxing yoga with  amazing views and a wonderful community.

Morning Beach Yoga

This class offers a mix of gentle yoga poses and guided meditations to help you start your day the best way! 

Will start again after summer season. 


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Sunset Beach Yoga 

Cool down and relax with yoga on the beach, witnessing the most spectacular sunsets Athens has to offer. 


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Nice to meet you!

Hi! I’m Tara and I began my own yoga journey almost 30 years ago (eek!) After many years bouncing around different studios and styles of yoga, I finally understood where the true power lay. In living the yoga! And after a lifetime battling depression and anxiety I was ready to feel...

More about me

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